


首頁> 公告> 雙語|你具備偉大投資者的潛質嗎?先看看這四個特征你有幾個!


2017-07-17 12:44

導讀:瑞信董事總經理、全球金融策略首席Michael J. Mauboussin 在激蕩華爾街三十年之際,撰寫了一篇特別版報告,將其過去三十年來總結的偉大投資者的共同特征與投資者共享。其中, 這四大特征對于任何類型的投資均有普遍意義。


1.  Understand value

    (the present value of free cash flow)





Great fundamental investors focus on understanding the magnitude and sustainability of free cash 

flow. Factors that an investor must consider include where the industry is in its life cycle, a 

company’s competitive position within its industry, barriers to entry, and management’s skill at allocating capital. A corollary to this attribute is that great investors understand the limitations of valuation approaches such as price/earnings and enterprise value/EBITDA multiples. Indeed, multiples are not valuation but a  shorthand for the valuation process.




2 .  Properly assess strategy 

     (or how a business makes money). 


This attribute has two dimensions. The first is a 

fundamental understanding of how a company 

makes money. The idea is to distill the business to 

the basic unit of analysis. Great investors can explain clearly how a company makes money, and 

never own the stock of a company if they do not 

understand how it makes money.


這一能力有微觀和宏觀兩個方面。微觀方面, 偉大的投資者對公司如何賺錢有深層的理解,他們會細看整個公司的經營。偉大的投資者對自己投資的公司如何賺錢十分明了,對影響利潤變化的因素十分了解;他們從來不投資自己不了解的公司。


The second dimension is gaining a grasp of a 

company’s sustainable competitive advantage. A 

company has a competitive advantage when it earns a return on investment above the opportunity 

cost of capital and earns a higher return than its 

competitors. Great investors can appreciate what 

differentiates a company that allows it to build an 

economic moat around its franchise that protects 

the business from competitors. The size and 

longevity of the moat are significant inputs into 

any thoughtful valuation.




3.  Think probabilistically




When probability plays a large role in outcomes, it 

makes sense to focus on the process of making 

decisions rather than the outcome alone. The reason is that a particular outcome may not be indicative of the quality of the decision. Good decisions 

sometimes result in bad outcomes and bad 

decisions lead to good outcomes. Over the long 

haul, however, good decisions portend favorable 

outcomes even if you will be wrong from time to 

time. Learning to focus on process and accept the 

periodic and inevitable bad outcomes is crucial. 





Great investors recognize another uncomfortable 

reality about probability: the frequency of 

correctness does not really matter, what matters is 

how much money you make when you are right 

versus how much money you lose when you are 

wrong (slugging percentage). This concept is very 

difficult to put into operation because of loss 

aversion. But if the goal is grow the value of a 

portfolio, slugging percentage is what matters.  




4.   Update your views effectively

(Beliefs are hypotheses to be tested, not treasures     to be protected)





The best investors among us recognize that the 

world changes constantly and that all of the views 

that we hold are tenuous. They actively seek 

varied points of view and update their beliefs as 

new information dictates. The consequence of 

updated views can be action: changing a portfolio 

stance or weightings within a portfolio.


