2017-07-17 12:46
導讀: 投資操作中,經過較長時間的積累,每一個投資者必然會有一些自己的投資思維方式,但這些思維方式中有些是適用于股市的,而有些卻會給投資帶來不小的損失。下面二個投資者極易陷入的思維定式,你中招了嗎?
1. 敘事謬誤
很多投資者癡迷于這種毫無作用的技術。行為經濟學專門研究心理學在財務決策方面的作用,解釋了其中原因。作者納西姆?尼古拉斯?塔勒布稱之為“敘事謬誤”(Narrative Fallacy)。
It’s the human tendency, actually the human need, to impose order on random events and to make events we didn’t anticipate seem“predictable” after the fact.
The narrative fallacy explains many common financial errors. The news is that it's equally useful for
understanding today’s conspiracy politics. It’s why, rather than accept that John F. Kennedy was killed by a lone, random gunman, we invented conspiracy theories—to spare us the ontological despair of acknowledging that chaos, not order, rules the universe.
Taleb’s The Black Swan, published in 2007, became a handbook for market traders—a reminder that random, extreme events like economic crashes overtake the best of plans.They also overtake individuals—those who happened to be in the wrong place during a natural disaster or who worked in a once-healthy industry, such as journalism, that was undercut by a new technology.
許多人都很難接受其實很多領域無法預測。回 顧歷史也能發現很多事沒法解釋。總體來說,新聞事件和歷史進程并沒有想象中容易解讀。沒人能準確預測2011年911事件,也沒有經濟學家能在1970年 預測財富分配要開始傾斜,富人變得更富,中產階級陷入停滯。變量實在太多了,而且一些重要的變量(例如新生軟件行業的潛力)當時很難意識到。
It’s possible to avoid falling for the narrative fallacy. If you’re an economist, this means trying not to superimpose, say, a pattern from the last economic cycle on the future. If you’re in business, assessing diffuse data to figure out whether to go ahead with an investment, it means resisting the temptation to see a coherent story in that data. Reality is messy. If the investment works, it will have to work in a future that abides a wide range of ?environments—recessions, new competitors, wars.
2. 近因效應
想象一下:在NBA總決賽上,克里夫蘭騎士隊的勒布朗?詹姆斯剛剛進了一個跳投。然后他又進了一個。又一個。 三投三中,他手感真棒,接下來這球也跑不了,對吧?
This leaping-to-conclusions phenomenon is called“recency bias,” and it’s deep in our emotional wiring. “It’s an interesting effect,” says Dan Ariely, a professor of behavioral economics at Duke University and the author of books including Predictably Irrational (and the originator of the hoops analogy). “We look atthe most recent evidence, take it too seriously, and expect that things will continue in that way.”
這種不假思索就得出結論的現象叫做“近因效應”,深藏在我們的情感脈絡中。杜克大學行為經濟學教授、《可預測的非理性》(Predictably Irrational)等書作者(也是最早提出上述投籃類比的人)丹·艾瑞里說:“這種效應很有趣。人們總是看最新的證據,過于當真,而且預計后面會發生同樣的事。”
市場專業人士也難免受這種思維方式影響。 2008年初,全球經濟乍現疲軟之勢。但在連續五年實現正回報以后,股票分析師的信心也升至歷史高點。研究機構Bespoke Investment Group最近的研究顯示,當時華爾街一致認為市場還能上漲11.1%。大家應該想到了,分析師的預測主要依據也是近期行情。我們也都知道接下來發生了什 么——經濟斷崖式下跌,當年標普500指數跌去了38.5%。
Recency bias also helps explain retail investor behavior during times of greed or panic. Assets often flow into stocks near market tops and exit at the bottom—exactly the opposite of what investors should be doing, says David Santschi, CEO of TrimTabs Investment Research.
近因效應還有助于解釋貪婪或恐慌行情中散戶的行為。投資研究公司TrimTabsInvestment Research首席執行官大衛?桑茨奇指出,資產流入經常出現在股市就要見頂時,流出則經常出現在市場底部,正好跟投資者應該采取的操作相反。
Watch out for high prices
Unusually high price/earnings valuations are often a sign that the party for stocks has gone on a little too long. With stocks trading well above their averages, now may be a good time to sell big winners and put the profits aside.
Play it safe for retirement
The years immediately before and after retirement are when losses can hurt an investor’s long-term plans the most. Savers in that life stage should consider putting more money in cash and bonds—no matter how bullish they feel.
Rely on an autopilot
When emotions run high, it helps to have tools that discourage buying or selling on impulse. Target-date funds, “robo-advisers,” and annuities can help investors avoid taking excessive risks in good times or panic selling in bad.