2017-07-17 13:05
導讀: 從白手起家到百萬富翁,不是童話故事,Grant Cardone成功做到了。在30歲前,他賺到了自己人生的第一個百萬,現在坐擁5家公司。如何從白手起家逆襲成百萬富翁,他的秘訣有“三步曲”。
Grant Cardone, the entrepreneur has built five companies and a multi-million fortune — and he earned his first million before age 30. There are three things people have to know about money," Cardone tells CNBC. "Number one is: How do I get money, more money? Number two: How do I keep that money? And number three: How do I multiply that money?"
Building wealth requires three, simple steps. However, "most people want to know number three before they know number one and number two," he says."Everybody wants to know how to multiply, but they don't even know how to earn yet."
Grant Cardone,是一位白手起家的百萬富翁,他開創了五家公司,并且在30歲前賺到了自己人生的第一個百萬。他在CNBC的采訪中說道,“關于金錢,人們應該知道這三件事情。第一個是如何賺錢,賺更多的錢?第二個是如何存錢;第三個是如何讓你的錢加倍增長,實現錢生錢。”
"People get rich because they produce revenue, not because they make little investments over time."
The first step to getting rich is focusing on earning, Cardone tells CNBC. "People need to show the ability to produce more revenue — not invest it — first. Develop multiple streams of income, he advises. "This does not mean you need to get a second job. Look for other opportunities where you work now that can make second sales (income) or bonuses.
Once you've upped your income, the key to keeping it is to "put your saved money into secured, sacred (untouchable) accounts," he writes on Entrepreneur. "Never use these accounts for anything, not even an emergency.
Finally, you can focus on multiplying your money, through investing. "Investing is the Holy Grail in becoming a millionaire," Cardone writes. "You should make more money off your investments than your work."
At the end of the day, building wealth can be a simple, three-step process. The key, according to this self-made millionaire, is actually starting with, and focusing on, step one.